Deadline for applications: 19/10/2021

Classes are expected to start around the first week of November 2021. There are language courses, vocational training, cultural courses, health courses offered and many more.

You can view all offered subjects and where they are provided here (auto translated page); not all subjects are offered in all the districts.

Please register here (auto translated page).


  • Registrations and payments can only take place online.
  • Payment can be done through JCC, and the cost for the whole year is 55eur for everyone under 65 years old and 27,50eur for people over 65 years old. In smaller villages and communities with fewer than 500 residents, the cost is 27,50eur and 13,75eur for residents over 65 years old.

For any information or support, please call or send us a message at 97767329.