The government has published the list of vulnerable groups of the population who are considered high risk and are to be restricted from their workplace


Under the measures announced by the President and the Ministers of Health, Labour and Finance to avoid the spread of the coronavirus, people in these categories are excluded from the workplace.

People in these groups should work from home, where possible, or apply for Special Sickness Benefit. Please click here to find out more

1. Everyone aged over 60.

2.  Adults who have one or more of the chronic conditions below:

  • Chronic conditions of the respiratory system (all must be taking medicine daily)
  • Chronic heart condition
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic last stage renal condition (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis)
  • Chronic liver condition (Child Pugh score B ή C),
  • Chronic neurological or neuromuscular diseases
  • Sickle cell anaemia and other hemoglopathies
  • Immunosupression (hereditary or acquired)
  • Malignancy of blood or organ
  • Transplantees
  • Pregnant women irrespective of stage of pregnancy, women who are breastfeeding

The announcement said that list may be amended depending on the developments of the epidemic.

Employees who belong to any of the above vulnerable groups and will be excluded from their workplace must submit the necessary medical certificate from their personal doctor or their work doctor.

If you need more information or assistance with applying, you can call us at 22205959, find us on Viber/WhatsApp at 97767329, or email us at